Every pet is unique and requires a diabetes management system that
is designed specifically for that pet. The goal of this section is to share the different
approaches and techniques owners use to manage their pet's diabetes.
Describing how you manage your pet's diabetes is a great way to let people know about
the different approaches that owners of diabetic pets are taking. People can see that
different management styles are available, and these techniques must be carefully chosen
to meet the needs of both the pet and the owner.
Your story doesn't have to be elaborate or
perfectly written, It can be a general diabetes story like Barney's or Kyra's, or it
can be a story about a specific problem, like hind leg weakness or
cataracts, or it can be a story like Shaba's whose owner decided it was
not in her pet's best interest to pursue treatment. Anything you
can contribute will make this web site more comprehensive and more useful to
Ideas of what your story
can include
- Pet's name, neuter status, gender, and breed.
- Current age, age at diagnosis; or age and how long the pet lived with
- If you decided not to treat your pet and to put it
to sleep, please explain how you came to that decision. Was your
pet elderly, did it have other health problems, were you unable to spend
the time or money needed to care for a diabetic pet?
- What is the medication schedule (insulin once a day, twice, diabetes
controlled by diet, oral anti-glucose meds).
- Describe how you control your pet's diet (free feed, scheduled
feedings, prescription food, regular food, home cooking).
- Is an exercise routine important to manage your
pet's diabetes? This is usually more important for dogs than cats.
- Describe the types of home monitoring you do and
how often you do them. This includes
home bg testing, home urine glucose testing, observation of urine volume, drinking,
behavior, mood.
- What type of monitoring does the vet do, and how often.
- Transient Diabetics ("Honeymooners"): was your pet on
insulin? Do you think the diabetes was controlled by getting your overweight pet
back to a healthy weight? Do you suspect your pet had transient diabetes due to steroid
use or other problems? How long has it been since your pet needed insulin?
- Have you had to try many different insulins and treatment plans, or
have you been "lucky" and just had to do minor modifications to a first or
second treatment plan.
- Any other diseases or conditions that effect the diabetes?
Medications, supplements?
- Any serious side effects from the diabetes? (cataracts, hind
leg weakness)
- Tell about the things you think are important to keeping your pet
healthy and happy. Anything goes here (well, almost) - its your chance to describe
those special things that are particular to you and your pet.
- Include your e-mail address in the story only if
you want it on the website so other owners will be able to contact you.
- Attach a photo of your pet if you want it on the
story page.
Submit your story
Simply e-mail it to me.
I will contact you to discuss your story. Make sure you use an e-mail
address that you check (not a hotmail or other account that you use for
junk e-mail). If I can not contact you, the story will not be added to this site.

Updated January 2004
Copyright. All rights reserved.
This site is for information purposes only. Please consult
your veterinarian. |