Share Your Experience Coping with Pet Loss

You can use this form to have your experience coping with the loss of your pet included in the Pet Loss section. Click here Pet Loss Experience to see the page that describes these stories and ideas about what we are looking for.

Enter the information as you would like it to appear in your story. We have international readers and readers who may not be familiar with abbreviations or slang terms, so we may edit your story to make it easier to understand. We will contact you for permission before making changes to your story (except for correcting typos, spelling errors, etc.)

If you are entering several paragraphs of text for your story, we suggest you type your story using Notepad or a word processing program so you can save a copy. Then copy and paste your story in to the Story box below. If there is a problem with your submission, the information on the form will not be saved but you will have the original story in your notepad or word processing document.

* Indicates a required field. Your e-mail address is required so we can contact you with questions. Please be sure you enter your e-mail address correctly or we can not use your story or contact you. Your e-mail will not appear in the story unless you put it in your story or check the 'yes' button at the bottom of this form.

After you hit the Send Story button, your story will be sent to us and we will contact you with any questions or when your story has been added to the Pet Loss section. You will receive a copy of the information you sent at the e-mail you entered on the form. If you don't receive the copy within a few hours, please e-mail the webmaster as there may have been a problem with your submission.

After you submit your information you will be taken to the home page.
Your Name: *
Pet's Name:*
Species: * Cat  Dog  Other (describe below)
Gender: Male  Female
Breed / Description:
Your Story:
Your E-Mail:*
 (so we can contact you)
Display Your E-Mail?* Yes  No


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A big "Thank You" to Jeff, a fellow animal lover, who created the form templates for me.
Updated June 2003
Copyright. All rights reserved.
This site is for information purposes only.  Please consult your veterinarian.