In Loving Memory Of Special Pets

Pets with

  Dedicated to diabetic pets who have crossed The Rainbow Bridge.
  Their spirit, and the love they shared will always be remembered.


In Loving Memory of Taska

Taska as a puppyI was born on February 5, 1992-- a beautiful female Siberian Husky with crystal Blue Eyes. I was purchased by a lady named Pat Logan on April. I was the blue-eyed child she could never have in life. My Mommy loved me so very much.

At the end of July 1999 my Mommy noticed my pretty eyes didn't look right; they appeared cloudy so off to the vet we went. My Mommy wanted me to have the best care possible so she took me to an Emergency Clinic, and on August 7th I was diagnosed with diabetes.

The vet that diagnosed me told my Mommy Taska snoozing that I was almost eight years old and that the stress of a diabetic animal was not always easy. The vet was nice and was trying not to make my Mommy feel bad if she didn't have the money to care for me. My Mommy decided we'd learn to deal with the diabetes somehow.

We found a vet closer to home. Mommy got on the web and found all of you wonderful people. She learned as much as she could about diabetes as fast as possible to help me. But on Monday August 16th, not even 10 days after diagnosis, I was sick and vomiting.

The vet kept me at the clinic to get me regulated. My Mommy checked on me several times in the day. I wasn't doing well and my Mom got very scared. My Mommy decided to take me back to the vet clinic where I was diagnosed, but I was in terrible pain, and so sick I couldn't even pick up my head to drink. My Mommy knew she had to send me to the Bridge.

Thank you to my Mommy and to all those who loved me.

Taska playing

"Cherish every moment with your faithful bundle, 
and know she loved you too."


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