
February 19, 1981 - August 24, 1999
There was life before you as there will be life after you…only it
can never compare to the life I had with you…
The last year you left me slowly…preparing me for life without you
As I look back I see that clearly now
There are so many things I miss about you (your feisty personality,
your innocent face, how you frightened all your cat-sitters, hearing
you purr with content and your uncanny wisdom)…your 8 year fight
with diabetes cemented an already strong bond between us.
Wherever you are waiting for me I feel you are at peace, content from
your final battle which surprisingly took the form of cancer.
Forgive me for having to make a decision I had hoped to never have to
make. But seeing you suffer and knowing it would quickly become worse was
enough for my decision. My purpose was to give you a quality life.
You fought many hard battles and many grew a strong respect for your
spirit. You are the exception and you rallied back many times. This
last time your age and diabetes were against you.
I still sense your continued presence, which has helped me cope with
your loss.
18 ½ years you were a significant part of my life…
I miss you Patches, my best friend and forever companion.
Love, Linda
Read how Patches' diabetes was successfully managed for 8
years. |