The petdiabetes mailing list is for
discussion of issues related to diabetes and pets. The members
of this list have various experiences - some have a pet who was
recently diagnosed, while others have been caring for a diabetic pet for years. But we have
two things in common: we are here to help each other learn and understand about diabetes, and we are here to
support each other.
The information and discussions are not a substitute for
proper veterinary care or advice. Please discuss the information you receive on this list
with your veterinarian before making any changes to your pet's care.
List rules
- Be polite and
respectful. There are many
different opinions and management techniques for diabetic pets. Discussion
encouraged, but rudeness is not allowed.
- Post only
diabetes-related messages. This is a very broad topic
and as long as your message is about something that relates to the care
of your diabetic pet, it is ok.
topics include:
- Medical care of your diabetic
- Your ability to care for your
diabetic pet
- Coping with the stress of
owning a diabetic pet
- Diabetes supplies
- Techniques
- Other health issues that your
diabetic pet is facing like cataracts or urinary tract
- If other medications will
effect the diabetes
- How to prepare for traveling
- Brief stories about something
humorous your diabetic pet did or announcements of
"diabetes anniversaries", birthdays, or deaths.
topics include:
- general animal welfare issues
- news about animal abuse cases
- "campaigning" on pet
- ethical debates (e.g. drug
testing on animals)
- religious debates
- any other personal cause
you have doubts if your message is appropriate,
please feel free to contact the List Owner address given on your
Group home page.
- The subject line of your e-mail
should describe your message. This allows discussions to
continue in a orderly manner and allows those who are not interested in a topic to
delete messages without having to read them.
- When replying to a posted message, please remove the
original message text that does not
pertain to your reply. This keeps the messages a
reasonable length.
- Product
advertising is not
allowed. If you own it or make a profit from it, please
don't try to sell it on our list. I will remove you from the group
if you violate this rule.
- Usually, this list is not moderated (no one approves a message before
it is sent to the list members). It is your responsibility to use your good judgment and
to follow the rules. Moderation is enacted by the list owner when
the List
Now that you've read our purpose and rules,
if you'd like to participate, please join our group. Joining our group allows you to participate in the mailing list, and use all the
other features that are available (chat, links, files, photo album,
database, polls). Just enter your e-mail address and click on
the purple yahoo box.
If you prefer, you can join the mailing
list without joining the Yahoo Group. Send an e-mail to petdiabetes-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
leave the subject blank, and you'll be on the mailing list.
Using this option, you can only control your mail (mail / nomail status,
individual / digest ) using e-mail messages (not a web page). You will not
be able to access the other group activities.
Common Problems
not getting list mail
The most common reason for
this is because your mail box has overflowed or there's some problem at
your ISP with mail delivery. As the list owner, I get notified every time
list mail does not get delivered because it places additional work on all
the mail servers involved and needs to be stopped. If this happens for a
day or two, I turn your list mail off. Unfortunately, notifying you that
I've done this probably won't work because your mail isn't being delivered
If I've turned your mail off, you can turn it back on by using the web
page at our yahoo group or by sending an email to:
You may have accidentally flagged your list mail as junk or spam and it is
being sent to another mail folder. Check your other mail folders to see if
it's been tagged as junk or spam. Sometimes this happens at web e-mail
accounts like msn or yahoo, but it can also happen at a regular ISP who
get a little over-zealous with their spam filtering.

Updated April 2004
Copyright. All rights reserved.
This site is for information purposes only. Please
consult your veterinarian. |