Taking care of a diabetic pet can be very stressful, and a
little laughter can help lift your spirits. Bobbi, our resident poet and lyricist
has added these to her collection.
(sung to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
Food Twinkle
Special dry food, special canned:
It's the worst food in the land!
Also yucky are my "treats":
Silly veggies, never meats!
Don't know how much I'll withstand
Before I have to "bite that hand."
If I do, it's not for spite;
Just to help you get it right.
Little push so that you'll see
What you should be feeding me!
So, I hope you'll see the light
And give me real food tonight! |
This one is sung to the tune of
"Baby Face"
("Baby face, you've got the cutest little baby face...")
It's time to start those shots of insulin!
You don't know how you'll ever get it in... insulin!
Glipizide didn't make it;
Now your kitty's gotta take it!
They say it's hardly noticed
When the needle's thin!
But should it be too fat,
You'll have one ticked-off cat
All because of insulin!
Put on that Vet Tech Hat-
(Your kitty smells a rat...)
Then go and shoot some insulin! |
Help inspire Bobbi by sending her some
ideas. Suggest a tune and topic and she will try her best to amuse us. E-mail
suggestions to Bobbi and Nigel, then check
back here for new additions.

Updated October 2000
Copyright. All rights reserved.
This site is for information purposes only.
Please consult your veterinarian. |