home blood glucose testing habits
In order to get a feel for how prevalent home bg testing is, a survey
was posted to the petdiabetes mailing list. Owners were asked to choose the category
that best described their home bg testing habits. People could respond either publicly or
privately and the results are shown below.
The categories
I never do home bg testing |
I bg test occasionally (for example if I think there
is a problem) |
I bg test on a regular basis (a monthly curve, weekly
test for low bgs, etc) |
I bg test every day (pre-injection bg test or daily
test for low bg) |
I usually bg test several times a day |
Results from survey period Feb 2002-Feb
2005 (53 respondents)
Category |
Dog |
Cat |
in this
category |
I never do home bg testing |
1 |
1 |
3 |
I bg test occasionally |
14 |
3 |
34 |
I bg test on a regular basis |
4 |
3 |
13 |
I bg test every day |
5 |
9 |
26 |
I usually bg test several times a day |
8 |
5 |
26 |
Results from survey period Dec 2001-Jan 2002 (61 respondents)
Category |
Dog |
Cat |
Pig |
I never do home bg testing |
5 |
4 |
15 |
I bg test occasionally |
4 |
5 |
1 |
16 |
I bg test on a regular basis |
8 |
7 |
25 |
I bg test every day |
5 |
8 |
21 |
I usually bg test several times a day |
9 |
5 |
23 |
Results from a survey
taken in 2000: (62 respondents)
Category |
Dog |
Cat |
Stated |
I never do home bg testing |
12 |
6 |
30 |
I bg test occasionally |
9 |
9 |
30 |
I bg test on a regular basis |
5 |
3 |
13 |
I bg test every day |
3 |
7 |
1 |
16 |
I usually bg test several times a day |
6 |
1 |
11 |
Some of the reasons given:
I never do home bg testing
- I have Parkinson's Disease and I can't do the test.
- It's not due to lack of trying - just a VERY unreceptive cat!!
- My cat is hard to handle, and now that I've been told he has heart
and kidney failure, I just think that's one more irritation he shouldn't have to deal
- When my dog was first diagnosed it seemed everyone on the diabetes
list was home testing, so I dashed out and bought a meter. It was the WORST part of my
initiation into the world of pets with diabetes. I couldn't get a drop out of him; I was a
wreck and he started to get quite angry. I felt guilty and full of shame. After a couple
of months I realized I could trust my observation of him and use the urine test strips
with pretty good accuracy. The main thing, I believe, is that my dog is happy, active and
still with me. The meter sits on a shelf ...just where I want it ;-)
- I'm just trying to deal with daily injections.
- I have tried several times and was not successful. Our dog also
has Addison's disease and does not tolerate stress too well so I have decided not to
pursue bg testing for now.
- I've never done home bg testing. I do urine strips 2x a day and this
has been ok so far. Our dog has a bg curve every 3 weeks at the vet hospital.
- I would like to but my dog's mouth is so small it would be
- Our dog is not to keen on things stuck in her mouth and has no hard
calous patches on her legs. We urine test daily.
I bg test occasionally
- Callie (cat) will only allow spot checks; Ziggy (cat) is fine with
testing; when he was on ultralente we tested him twice a day out of necessity. When Ozzy
(cat) was diabetic we tested him daily.
- Maggie (dog) was tested several times a day in the beginning. Now a
year has gone by and she is tested occasionally.
- My dog is pretty well regulated and I only test if I think
there is a problem.
- I don't like to get hung up on numbers and mainly go by the way my
cat is feeling.
- I do curves on my dog every 3 months or so, and spot check her at
peak times occasionally, or if I suspect a problem. She spends most of her days outside
(we live in the country) and if I test her too often I go crazy with the results!
I bg test on a regular basis
- We fall into this category except when problems arise. Then we test
more frequently.
- Chelsea (dog) has a bad habit of not showing signs of hypo until she
is VERY critical, so for us it is a necessity.
- Due to Spider's (cat) erratic readings, we usually check every am.
Sometimes before the pm shot as well.
- We do at least one good curve a month on our cat. I prefer to rely on
"other" variables such as water; intake/output; food, same thing, weight;
loss/gain/derivation from normal, coat health; activities (frisky v. lazy), etc. While I
am "in tune" with all these factors, I still want to know what his numbers
are, and I prefer my numbers to the vet's. His stress levels are less when I prick his ear
at home. He does not even realize it's being done.
- At various times throughout the past 2 years I have been in
categories 1-5. I try to do a combination of urine and blood testing. I do mostly
mini curves or occasional testing on a random basis now (or of course when i think
there is a problem). There have been times in the past where I seemed to test
every day, sometimes even several times a day consecutively and I would feel bad
when I looked back on that data because many times, once I was several weeks out from it,
I could objectively look back and see that I overdid it.
I bg test every day
- I test my cat every day once, and when I feel something is off, I
test more more than once a day.
- I test before each injection, and also do spot checks at peak times
on occasion. Also have been doing curves -- tests every 2 hours on Sundays. My dog is very
cooperative for all this.
- I now test every a.m., right after a urine test
because my dog's bg
fluctuates so much. It is so quick and easy with the Glucometer Elite.
I usually bg test several times a day
- Right now I fall into this category, but that's because I have
changed Dixie's (dog) diet and her levels are coming down so I need to lower her insulin
dose accordingly.
- I do 3-5 tests per day; always pre-injection, and sometimes searching
for a peak. If Bayou (dog) has some low numbers, I tend to test more. Also I test more if
I change doses, insulins, feeding times etc. It would be nice not to have to test this
much, but Bayou's BG's aren't that consistent.
- Kyra (dog) gets tested several times a day. I can't go to bed without
testing her ... plus before each meal and anytime I think something is up with her. We do
complete curves at least twice a month.
in the survey
use this form to participate in the survey. The survey results
will be updated periodically.

Updated February 2005
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This site is for information purposes only. Please consult
your veterinarian.