Sometimes it is nice to talk about diabetes concepts,
problems you are having with your pet, or get some friendly support in a more
conversational atmosphere. Unlike e-mail or message boards, a chat room allows you
to communicate with one or more people, almost instantaneously.
- #pet-diabetes on DALnet when people on the list talk about "the chat room" this is
the place.
Install mIRC using these Instructions for installing mIRC and mIRC download sites.
After mIRC is installed, connect to a DALnet server and join the #pet-diabetes channel.
Do not use other servers - you'll be on a different system than the rest of us.
There are no scheduled meeting times, but there is usually someone in the chat room every
evening after 6 pm Pacific Standard Time. Diabetes issues always take priority, so if
people are just chatting about the weather, feel free to jump in with a diabetes related
Sometimes there is a delay on DALnet, but hang in there. If some of us are in the
room, we can talk you through the process of getting a faster connection.

Updated October 2000
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This site is for information purposes only. Please consult
your veterinarian. |